Who we are

The Association is non-political, doesn’t identify itself with any party and is non-profit. Its aims are the following:

– to be a point of reference for websites of Catholic inspiration, that are in full communion with the Catholic Church, according to the criteria indicated in can. 205 of the Code of Canon Law, and accept the teaching of the magisterium;
– to promote formative, educational and cultural activities, by means of Internet or anything related to computer sciences, according to the principles of Christian morality and the magisterium of the Catholic Church;
– to make known initiatives and proposals of pastoral and cultural character, that favour the spreading of the contents of faith on the World Wide Web;
– to favour dialogue between the various levels of the ecclesial structures on the use of the new computer technologies and communication;
– to encourage the use of Internet and new technologies of information and communication on the part of Catholic organisations.

Members of the Association are: the founding members and well deserving persons, physical and juridical persons, as well as organisations and associations whose objectives are in agreement with the aims of the Association and who possess the necessary requisites to collaborate in attaining the institutional aims of the Association.

The founding members are:
– Fondazione Comunicazione e Cultura
:: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
:: Diocese of Rome
:: Diocese of Perugia – Città della Pieve
:: IDS&Unitelm
:: www.davide.it
:: www.giovani.org
:: www.glauco.it
:: www.siticattolici.it

The Management Board consists of:

Fabio Bolzetta

Vice President
Rita Marchetti

Fabio Bolzetta

Andrea Tomasi
Christian Giorgio
Giampiero Neri
Danilo Di Leo
Pier Cesare Rivoltella
Teresa Braccio
Giovanni Benvenuto

Revisers of the accounts
De Strobel Francesco

Massimiliano Catalani
Paolo Forti

For further information contact:
Catholic Italian Webmaster Association
Via Aurelia 468 – O0165 Rome
Web: www.webcattolici.it
Email: info@webcattolici.it

Per Associarsi a WeCa

Guida al Web


Ricordiamoci di firmare per l’8xmille alla Chiesa cattolica che sostiene la mission dell’Associazione WebCattolici Italiani - WeCa. È un gesto semplice ma importantissimo, grazie al quale possiamo contribuire a realizzare migliaia di progetti l’anno, in Italia e nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, per sostenere i più deboli e chi è in difficoltà. Non è una tassa in più. Non ci costa nulla, ma è un gesto d’amore che può fare la differenza per migliaia di persone.

In rete